We would especially like to thank the generous donors who have stepped up and are matching every dollar for dollar, and the many generous parents and Young Alumni who have been our consistent supporters. We also want to give a sincere thumbs- up in gratitude to those parents of former Lehigh students who continue to support our work, aware that we are not funded by any central Jewish or secular organization. There are still opportunities to be a matcher for this campaign, so please contact us if interested.
"It goes without saying that this semester has been one of the most challenging of our tenure at Lehigh. October 7th has provided our community both a wake up call, and a reminder - that it is imperative no matter what our differences are, that the Jewish people remain united and strong. We are proud to do our part by providing a Jewish home away from home, 24/7 for everyone at Lehigh. We hope you will join Chabad at Lehigh by partnering with us financially to make sure that the Jewish community at Lehigh remains as vibrant and strong as possible.
Am Yisrael Chai"
FOR THE NEXT 36 HOURS ONLY, every single dollar YOU donate to Chabad at Lehigh will be doubled.
Every dollar donated is matched!
Only 36 HOURS from start to finish!
Why? We need you to partner with us in order to keep Jewish life at Lehigh thriving.
A group of generous supporters has challenged us to raise $125k for Chabad at Lehigh in 36 hours, during which every dollar donated will be matched.
Thanks to our generous matchers, every dollar you donate will be DOUBLED!
$180 grows into $360
$1000 grows into $2,000
$1,800 grows into $3,600
Any donation, no matter how big or small, will be doubled. BUT, it's ONLY FOR 36 Hours!
Motivated by a profound love for every Jew and spurred on a boundless optimism, Chabad at Lehigh maintains a dazzling array of programs and services to educate, inspire, and uplift Jewish students from all walks of life with unconditional love and acceptance.
At Chabad, we are all family.
Warm wishes for a happy and healthy Chanukah!
Rabbi Zalman and Dit Greenberg